Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium
On the 19th June 2020, the DfE announced that it was discontinuing this funding in 20/21 and that it would be part of the National Funding Formula. The introduction of the National Funding Formula provides for schools to attract low prior attainment funding for pupils in year 7 to 11 with lower attainment who need support to catch up.
As a result, the year 7 catch-up grant – the Department’s previous mechanism to direct funding to support pupils with lower attainment – will no longer be made available.
In 2020-21, the catch-up premium has been incorporated into the learning recovery funding following the period of home schooling as a result of Covid-19 and the national lockdown March-July 2020. Therefore, the support offered for pupils to meet the expected standard in reading and mathematics will form part of this larger whole school strategy moving forward.